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Astronomy Tour

Astronomy Tour

Regular price 30 €
Regular price Offer price 30 €
Limited places Exhausted
Tax included.
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Maximum 24 people

Places limited to 24 people to guarantee the best experience. We do not work with buses, only small groups.

Guía Experto

Un guía astrofísico dirigirá la actividad desde un mirador astronómico del Teide, mostrando las Constelaciones.

Professional telescopes

We will use up to 3 telescopes to see Saturn and its ring, Jupiter and its moons, galaxies and nebulae, and the Moon and its craters among many stars.

The best price, guaranteed

You can't find a lower price for this activity.

Meeting point

The activity takes place at an astronomical viewpoint of Teide. This tour does not include transfers.

Telescopios profesionales

Contemplar el firmamento mediante el uso de telescopios profesionales te ofrecerá la posibilidad de sumergirse en la fascinante exploración del cosmos y te permitirá tener una experiencia astronómica realmente enriquecedora.

Fotos con la Vía Láctea

El tour incluye fotos con la Vía Láctea en alta calidad de vuestro grupo.

Alineación Planetaria

Hasta el 21 de Marzo podrás ver la alineación planetaria, un fenómeno que no volverá a ocurrir hasta el año 2492.

Astronomy Tour

Enjoy an epic astronomy experience in the heart of Teide National Park, one of the best places in the world to see the stars  at night on the magical island of Tenerife.

Using professional telescopes we will discover the secrets hidden in the firmament; its most famous nebulae and galaxies, the planets of the Solar System, and The Moon with its craters and valleys.

In addition, we will see the stars more  relevant and their groupings in globular clusters or binary stars in the telescope, being able to see some surprises that we do not see with the naked eye.

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Guía Astrofísico

Identificaremos las constelaciones y la mitología que se esconde tras ellas.En el Teide a lo largo del año podemos ver 83 de las 88 constelaciones reconocibles.

Teide stars

PRO Telescopes

Teide stars

The power and control necessary to see Saturn and its ring, Jupiter and its moons, galaxies and nebulae, or the Moon and its valleys and craters

The magic of Teide

Teide is, along with the Atacama Desert in Chile and the inactive Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii, one of the three privileged enclaves for astronomical observation. By traveling a few kilometers from any point on the island, we can reach 2000 meters in height which, together with its location in the middle of the Atlantic, will allow us to see, depending on the time of year, up to 83 of the 88 existing constellations.

Telescopios profesionales

Contemplar el firmamento mediante el uso de telescopios profesionales te ofrecerá la posibilidad de sumergirse en la fascinante exploración del cosmos y te permitirá tener una experiencia astronómica realmente enriquecedora.

Teide stars


Frequent questions

Online registration

You must make the reservation on the website to be able to attend the tours. Attendees will not be admitted without prior registration.

Guided by Astronomers

Tour conducted by professionals passionate about Astronomy. We give ourselves 100% to our clients to share our passion.

Guides in several languages

Tour available in several languages.

Improved tour

The activity is carried out for small groups of people, allowing all attendees to observe the different objects. Without rushing or queuing to observe through the telescope, you can repeat it as many times as you want.


In case the weather conditions are not suitable for the observation, we will notify you in advance to propose a change of date or a cancellation.

Appropriate clothing

It is not allowed to come in sandals, long pants are essential and a warm jacket is recommended to enjoy the outdoor experience.

Date changes

When you confirm your reservation we will send you a link so you can modify the day of your Tour up to 24 hours before in just one click.


Cancellation is free as long as it is done 24 hours before the day scheduled for your Tour.

Tarjeta Regalo

La tarjetas de regalo deben canjearse en la web para realizar el tour de astronomía


It is not allowed to bring pets to the Tours because we cannot keep them in optimal conditions, we apologize for the inconvenience.


2 horarios disponibles para el inicio del tour. Decide si prefieres unirte a las 21:00, o te viene mejor a las 23:00


2 horarios disponibles para el inicio del tour. Decide si prefieres unirte a las 21:00, o te viene mejor a las 23:00

¿Puedo hacer preguntas?

Por supuesto! Participa en una sesión interactiva donde podrás hacer preguntas y aprender más sobre los secretos del cielo nocturno del Teide

  • The Milky Way

  • To the moon

  • The planets

  • Andromeda

  • Nebulae

  • Cumulus clouds